Banking Theory Law and Practice, 6e  
Author(s): Dr. S. Gurusamy
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9788119243228
Pages: 454




ISBN: 9788119243228 Price: INR 350.00
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Banking Theory, Law and Practice introduces you to the basic and advanced concepts in banking. The book covers the latest trends in the banking sector such as mobile banking, telephone banking and internet banking. It also provides essential coverage of the legal aspects of banking adequately.

New to this Edition

• Coverage of new topics such as Modern Banking which includes Core Banking Solutions, RTGS, NEFT, E-wallet, Payment Banks and Small Banks.

• New charts, tables and illustrations for better understanding of concepts.

Salient Features

• Simple and clear explanations

• Comprehensive coverage of Debit cards, Credit cards, Smart cards and ATMs

• Coverage of topics on RBI, SBI functions, Cooperative banks

• Detailed explanation of theories with charts and figures

• Includes model question papers

• Pedagogical features include

≦ more than 700 objective-type questions

≦ over 700 end-of-chapter review questions


Banking Theory, Law and Practice introduces you to the basic and advanced concepts in banking. The book covers the latest trends in the banking sector such as mobile banking, telephone banking and internet banking. It also provides essential coverage of the legal aspects of banking adequately.

New to this Edition

• Coverage of new topics such as Modern Banking which includes Core Banking Solutions, RTGS, NEFT, E-wallet, Payment Banks and Small Banks.

• New charts, tables and illustrations for better understanding of concepts.

Salient Features

• Simple and clear explanations

• Comprehensive coverage of Debit cards, Credit cards, Smart cards and ATMs

• Coverage of topics on RBI, SBI functions, Cooperative banks

• Detailed explanation of theories with charts and figures

• Includes model question papers

• Pedagogical features include

≦ more than 700 objective-type questions

≦ over 700 end-of-chapter review questions

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Halftitle Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Banking
    • Introduction
    • History of Banking
    • History of Indian Banking
      • Presidency Banks
      • Private Banks
      • Reserve Bank of India
      • The Banking Act
      • State Bank of India
      • Nationalization
      • Role and Functions of Banking System
    • Components of Indian Banking System
    • Indian Banking System – Phases of Development
      • Phase I
      • Phase II
      • Phase III
    • Banking Structure in India
    • Modern Banking
    • Core Banking Solutions (CBS)
      • Meaning
      • Need for Core Banking Solution
      • Features/Benefits
    • Differentiated Banking Structure Payments Banks
      • Objectives
      • Registration, Licensing and Regulations
      • Eligibility Criteria
      • Scope of Activities
      • Deployment of Funds
      • Capital Requirement
      • Promoter’s Contribution
      • Prudential Norms
      • Network
    • Small Banks
      • Local Area Banks (LABs)
      • Small Banks
      • Guidelines for Licensing
      • Registration, Licensing and Regulations
      • Objectives
      • Eligible Promoters
      • Scope of Activities
      • Capital Requirement
      • Promoters’ Contribution
      • Prudential Norms
      • Additional Conditions
    • Payment Bank vs Small Banks
    • Mudra Bank
    • Role of Indian Banks’ Association (Iba)
      • Banking Activities
    • Sukhamoy Chakravarty Committee
    • Narasimham Committee I - 1991
    • Narasimham Committee II 1998
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2  Commercial Banking—An Overview
    • Definition of Banking
    • Core Definition
    • Classification of Banks
      • Commercial Banks
      • Industrial Banks
      • Agricultural Banks
      • Foreign Exchange Banks
    • Banking System
      • Branch Banking System
      • Unit Banking System
      • Branch Banking vs. Unit Banking
      • Chain Banking System
      • Group Banking System
      • Pure Banking System
      • Mixed Banking System
    • Universal Banking
      • Meaning
      • Types
      • Model
      • Growth Factors
      • Indian Scenario
      • Financial Supermarket
      • Caution
    • Commercial Banking — Functions
      • Accepting Deposits
      • Advancing Loans
      • Investing Funds
      • Promoting Banking Habit
      • Agency Services
      • General Utility Services
      • Credit Creation
      • Realization of Socio-Economic Objectives
    • Role of Banks in Economic Development
      • Capital Formation
      • Financing Industry
      • Financing Trade
      • Financing Agriculture
      • Consumer Financing
      • Financing Employment
      • Supporting Monetary Policy
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3  Central Banking—An Overview
    • Definition
    • Need for Central Banking
      • Control of Credit
      • Issue of paper currency
      • Supporting Commercial Banks
      • Implementation of Monetary Policy
    • Principles of Central Banking
      • National Welfare
      • Monetary Stability
      • No Political Interference
      • Cooperation with Central Government
      • Cooperation with Member-Banks
    • Central Banking and Commercial Banking—Similarities
      • Money Dealers
      • Credit creation
    • Central Banking vs Commercial Banking—Dissimilarities
    • Functions of Central Bank
      • Function of Note Issue
      • Function of Banker, Agent and Adviser
      • Function of Bankers’ Bank
      • Function of Lender of the Last Resort
      • Function of Central Clearance, Settlement, and Transfer
      • Function of Custodian of Gold and Forex Reserves
      • Function of Information Dissemination
      • Function of Controller of Credit
      • Miscellaneous Functions
    • Central Bank and Economic Growth
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4  RBI—Functions and Working
    • Establishment
    • Objective
    • Administration
    • Legal Framework
    • External Relations
    • Internal Organization and Structure
      • Department of Currency Management
      • Urban Banks Department
      • Rural Planning and Credit Department
      • Foreign Exchange Department
      • Industrial and Export Credit Department
      • Board of Financial Supervision (BFS)
      • Department of Banking Supervision
      • Department of Non-Banking Supervision (DNBS)
      • Department of Banking Operations and Development (DBOD)
      • Department of Information Technology (DIT)
      • Legal Department
      • Monetary Policy Department
      • Internal Debt Management Department
      • Department of External Investments and Operations
      • Department of Government and Bank Accounts (DGBA)
      • Department of Economic Analysis and Policy (DEAP)
      • Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services
    • Functions of RBI
      • Issue of Paper Currency
      • Banker, Agent, and Advisor to the Government
      • Bankers’ Bank
      • Controller of Credit
      • Custodian of Foreign Exchange Reserves
      • Provision of Agricultural Credit
      • Promotion of Savings
      • Providing for Long-term finance
      • Publication of Information
      • Miscellaneous Functions
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5  SBI—Functions and Working
    • Origin and History
    • Establishment
    • Indian Subsidiaries
    • Foreign Subsidiaries
    • Non-Banking Subsidiaries
    • Joint Ventures
    • Personal Banking
    • Nri Services
    • Agriculture and Rural Banking
    • International Banking
    • Trade Financing
    • Correspondent Banking
    • Merchant Banking
    • Project Export Finance
    • Exporter Gold Card
    • Treasury Banking
    • Offshore Banking
    • Corporate Banking
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6  Co-operative Banks
    • Origin of Co-operation
    • Indian Scenario
      • Maclagen Committee
      • Mehta Bhansali Committee
    • Meaning and Definition of Co-operative Banks
      • Principles of Co-operative Institutions
    • Features
    • Co-operative Banks Vs Commercial BanksCategories
    • Structure
      • Primary Co-operative Banks
      • Urban Co-operative Banks
      • Central/District Co-operative Banks
      • State Co-operative Banks
      • Land Development Banks
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7  E-banking—An Overview
    • Meaning
    • Services
      • Round-the-Clock Banking
      • Direct deposit
      • Phone payment
      • PC banking
      • Point-of-Sale Transfers
      • Electronic Cheque Conversion
    • E-Banking and Financial Services—Benefits
      • Benefits to Customers
      • Benefits to Suppliers
      • E-Banking: Indian Scenario
      • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
      • Electronic Payment System (EPS)
      • Electronic Clearing Service (ECS)
      • E-banking Challenges to Banks
    • Initiatives
      • Generic Architecture
      • INFINET
      • Payment systems
      • NDS
      • CFMS
      • Centralized data storage
      • Internet banking
      • Card usage
    • Opportunities
      • Networking Benefits
      • Emerging services
      • Computer awareness
    • Risk Management for E-Banking
      • Types of Risks
      • Internet Banking Risks
    • Managing the Risks
      • Considerations
      • Principles
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8  Internet Banking
    • Meaning
    • Internet Banking vs. Traditional Banking
    • Mechanics of Internet Banking
    • Services
    • Drawbacks of Internet Banking
      • Needs a Computer
      • Restricted use
      • Unreliable communication facility
      • Slow browsing
      • Lack of trust
      • Absence of validity
      • Safety problem
      • Internet Banking Frauds
      • Internet Banking Threats
      • Precautions
    • Internet Banking – Major Issues
      • Sustainability
      • No entry barriers
      • Cost factor
      • Dominant traditional banking
      • No float benefit
      • Marketing challenges
      • Marketing advantage
      • Advantage for new players
      • Higher ratings
    • Indian Scenario
      • Explicit Security Plan
      • Access Control
      • Firewalls
      • Security Infrastructure
      • Backup and Recovery
      • Monitoring against threats
      • Education and Review
      • Log of Messages
      • Certified Products
      • Maintenance of Infrastructure
      • Approval for I-banking
      • Legal Issues
    • Future Outlook
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9  Mobile Banking
    • Meaning
    • Definition
    • Features
      • Mobile Customer
      • M-Commerce
      • Technology-based
      • Type of services
      • Eligibility
      • Application
    • Registration
      • Essential Requirements
    • Services
      • SMS Banking Services
      • WAP Banking Services
    • Security Issues
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 10  Telephone Banking
    • Meaning
    • Definition
    • Features
      • Eligibility
      • Application
      • Real-time service
    • Benefits
    • Mechanism
    • Banking Facilities
    • Telephone Banking System
      • Automated Voice Response (AVR)
      • Human Operators
      • Personal Computer
    • Drawbacks
      • Waste of Time
      • Work disturbance
      • Loss of privacy
      • Nervousness for the customer
      • Frustrating PIN
      • Too mechanical
      • Customer reluctance
      • Cost factor
    • Call Centers
      • Meaning
      • Characteristics
      • Elements
      • Benefits
      • Objectives
      • Functions
      • Limitations
      • Importance
      • Tasks
      • Essentials
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 11  ATM–The Cash Machine
    • Evolution of Atm
    • Concept of Atm
    • Features
      • Anywhere Banking
      • Anytime Banking
      • Anything Banking
      • Safety
      • User Interface
      • Visual Messages
      • Swallowed Card
      • ATMs Security
    • ATM Pin
    • Biometrics
    • On and Offline Operation
    • Atm Types
      • Lobby ATMs
      • Through-the-Wall ATMs
    • Atm Mechanism
    • Atm Functions
      • Basic Functions
      • Additional Functions
    • Strategic Importance of Atm
    • International ATM
    • Shared Atms
    • Atms Around the World
    • Uk’s Atm Network
    • Shared Atm Network – Indian Scenario
    • Spns
      • Services
      • Point of Sale (EFT/POS) Facilities
      • Advantages
    • Swadhan
      • Benefits
    • Rbi Guidelines
    • Swadhan Switch
      • Features of SWADHAN
      • Connectivity Options
    • ATM Cards
      • Mechanism
      • Security
      • Accounting Procedure
      • Participation
      • SWADHAN-SPNS Live Banks
      • Future Plans
    • ATM – Safety Precautions
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 12  Electronic Money
    • Definition
    • Meaning
    • Categories
      • Electronic Purse
      • Digital Cash
    • Merits
      • Substitute for Notes
      • Incentives
      • Helpful to Monetary Economy
      • Efficient Financial Sector
    • Mode of Issue and Implications
    • Apprehensions
      • Effect on Central Bank Balance Sheet
      • Bumpy Money Supply
      • Threat to Monetary Management
      • Loss of Seigniorage Revenue
    • E-Money and Monetary Policy
      • Issuance against Central Bank Money
      • Issuance on Credit
      • Issuance as an Independent Currency
      • Issuance in a Multi-currency Regime
    • Policy Issues for the RBI
      • Issuance of E-Money
      • Status of Issuers of E-Money
      • Minimum Prudential Requirements
    • E-Wallet
    • Definition
    • Meaning
    • Features and Advantages of E-Wallet
    • Disadvantages
    • Types
    • Major Issues
    • Security Issues
    • Technology Issues
    • Working Mechanism
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 13  Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) System
    • Genesis
    • Meaning
    • Steps in Eft
      • Making Application
      • Data Preparation
      • Data Transmission
      • Debiting Remitting Banks
      • Crediting Receiving Banks
      • Crediting Beneficiary
      • Task at Service branch
      • Task at beneficiary branch
    • Limit
    • Acknowledgement
    • Electronic Fund and Transfer
    • RBI Guidelines
      • Electronic Media
      • Funds Settlement Facility
      • Remittance Messages
      • Service Provider
    • Benefits
      • Efficient Mode
      • Innovative Products
      • Less Workload
    • EFT System vs. Traditional System
    • Requirements
      • Computer System
      • Additional Organizational Structure
    • Service Charges
    • Electronic Clearing Services (ECS)
    • Genesis
    • Physical Clearing System
      • ECS (Credit)
      • ECS (Debit)
    • Features
      • Operation Cycle of ECS (Credit)
      • Operation Cycle of ECS (Debit)
    • Benefits
      • Cost Savings
      • No Transit Loss
      • Automatic Reconciliation
      • Efficient Cash Management
      • Better Customer Service
      • Convenient Mode
      • Issues of ECS
    • Limit
    • Service Charges
    • Acknowledgement
    • Electronic Payment System
    • Meaning
    • Features
      • Important Constituent
      • Mode
      • Convenience
      • No Manual System
      • Constituents
      • The Customer
      • The Shopping Mall
      • The Merchant
      • The Banker
    • The Process
    • Payment Methods
      • Digital Cheques
      • Electronic Cash
      • Electronic Purse (e-purse)
      • Electronic Card
      • Smart Cards
      • SWIFT
      • Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
      • National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
      • RTGS Vs National Electronics Funds Transfer System (NEFT)
      • Information to be Provided
      • Working Mechanism of RTGS and NEFT
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 14  Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Smart Cards
    • Credit Cards
    • Genesis
    • Origin and History
      • Non-bank Cards
      • Bank Cards
      • Visa and Master Card
      • Cards in Europe
      • Electronic Cards
      • Special Purpose Cards
    • Features of Modern Credit Card
    • Facilities and Services
      • Risk Coverage
      • Emergency Cash Withdrawal
      • Twenty-Four Hour Service
      • Photocard Option
      • Travel Privileges
      • Credit-Line Increase
      • Service Over Phone
      • Purchase Protection
      • Fuel Facility
      • Medical Advance Facility
      • Supplementary Cards
      • Hotels Discount Facility
      • News Letters
      • Joint Credit Card and ATM Facility
    • Classification of Credit Cards
      • Based on Mode of Credit Recovery
      • Based on Status of Credit Card
      • Based on Geographical Validity
      • Based on Franchise / Tie-up
      • Based on the Issuer Category
    • Innovative Cards
      • ATM Cards
      • Debit Cards
      • Prepaid Cards
      • Private Label Cards
      • Affinity Group Cards
      • Smart Cards
      • Chip Card
      • Co-branded Card
    • Credit Card Cycle
    • Bank Card Associations
      • Function of Interchange
      • Clearing Function
    • Credit Card Structure
      • Issuer Bank
      • Acquirer Bank
      • Options for Service Delivery
      • Stand-alone
      • Co-branding
      • Regional Associations
      • Outside Service Providers
    • Validity and Renewal
    • Credit Cards and E-Commerce
    • Credit Card Frauds
      • Major Sources
      • Prevention
    • Credit Information Bureau (CIB)
    • Future Outlook
    • Benefits of Credit Cards
      • Benefits to Cardholders
      • Benefits to Merchants
      • Benefits to Issuer Banks
    • Drawbacks of Credit Cards
    • The Indian Scenario
    • Debit Cards
    • Genesis
    • Concept
    • Promotion and Progress
    • Dangers of Debit Cards
    • Liability for Fraud
    • Consumer Protection
    • Precautions
      • Guard PIN
      • Understand Your Card
      • Guard Your Receipts Carefully
      • Contact Your Bank
      • Check Bank Statement
    • The Indian Scenario
    • Smart Cards
    • Features
      • Data Carrier
      • Personal Identification
      • Financial Usage
    • Evolution
    • Types of Smart Cards
      • Contact Smart Cards
      • Contactless Card
      • Super Smart Card
    • Security Features
      • Physical and Manufacturing Security
      • Personal Identification Security
      • Communications Security
    • Financial Applications
      • Debit and Credit Cards
      • Electronic Cheque
      • Electronic Cash
      • Electronic Token
      • Cash Management Services
      • Other Applications
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 15  Opening Bank Accounts
    • Bank Accounts
    • Types of Accounts
      • Savings Account
      • Basic Savings Bank Account
      • Savings Bank Account with Reward Points
      • Current Account
      • Savings / Current Account—Benefits
      • Privileges Enjoyed by Current Account Holders
      • Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Account
      • Fixed Deposit Account
    • Fixed Deposit Receipt
      • Fixed Deposits vs Chit Funds vs Mutual Funds
      • Reinvestment Deposit Account
      • Flexi-Deposit Account
      • Senior Citizen Deposit Account
      • Recurring Deposit Account
      • Floating Rate Deposit Account
    • Steps in Opening Accounts
      • Obtaining Letter of Introduction
      • Application Form
      • Specimen Signature
      • First Transaction
      • Issue of Cheque, Pay-in-Slip, and Passbook
      • Operation of the Account by an Agent
    • Savings Account vs. Current Account
    • Disclosure of Information
      • Banker’s Liability
    • Pay-in-Slip Book
    • ‘Donatio Mortis Causa’
    • Printed Cheque Forms—Merits
    • Passbook
      • Meaning
      • Effect of Entries
      • Legal Implications
      • Banking Practice
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 16  Telephone Banking
    • Definition
    • Bank Customer Relationship
      • Debtor and Creditor
      • Trustee and Beneficiary
      • Agent and Principal
    • Special Type of Customers
      • Minors
    • Customer Identification and KYC Norms
      • Meaning
      • Legal Compliance
      • Applicability
      • Customer Identification
      • KYC Documents for Normal Customers
      • KYC for Low Income Customers
      • Partnership Firm
      • Joint Stock Company
      • Married Woman
      • Executors and Administrators
      • Lunatics
      • Illiterate Persons
      • Trustees
      • Joint Accounts
      • Joint Hindu Family
      • Non-Trading Institutions
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 17  Bank Lending
    • Significance of Bank Lending
      • Major Source of Revenue
      • Basis of Credit Creation
      • Driving Economic Growth
      • Agents of Production
    • Lending Sources
    • Bank Lending Principles
      • Principle of Safety
      • Principle of Liquidity
      • Principle of Security
      • Principle of Profitability
      • Principle of Purpose
      • Principle of Diversity
      • Principle of Marketability
      • Principle of Value Stability
      • Principle of National Interest
    • Forms of Lending
      • Call Money or Short-period Loans
      • Loans
      • Overdrafts
      • Cash Credits
      • Temporary Overdrafts
      • Clean Advances
      • Term Loans
      • Participation Loans
      • Demand Loans
      • Housing Loans
      • Loans to Small Borrowers
      • Hire Purchase and Leasing Finance
      • Bills Purchased and Discounted
      • Packing Credit
      • Import Finance
      • Consumer Credit
    • Loan Evaluation Process
    • Securities for Lending
      • Personal Security
      • Collateral Security
      • Types of Collateral Securities
    • Factors Influencing Bank Lending
      • Capital Funds
      • Earnings Potential
      • Deposit Profile
      • State of the economy
      • Monetary Policy
      • Ability of the bank
      • Competition
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 18  Negotiable Instruments
    • Meaning
    • Characteristics
      • Transferability
      • Good Title
      • Right to Sue
      • Assumptions
      • Parties
    • Nature
      • Ambiguous Instrument (Section 17)
      • Instruments Payable on Demand
      • Inchoate Instrument
      • Escrow
    • Negotiable Instruments – Features / Similarities
      • Instruments in Writing
      • Unconditional Order / Promise
      • Certainty of the Amount
      • Certainty of the Payee
      • Plurality of the Payee
      • Payable Either to ‘Order’ or ‘To Bearer’
      • Signature of the Drawer
      • Delivery of the Instrument
    • Types
      • Cheque
      • Promissory Note
      • Bill of Exchange
      • Cheque vs Bill of Exchange
      • Bill of Exchange vs Promissory Note
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 19  Crossing
    • Definition
    • Objective
    • Crossing and Negotiability
    • Need for Crossing
    • Types of Crossing
      • General Crossing (Section 123)
      • Special Crossing (Section 124)
      • Not-negotiable Crossing
      • Account Payee Crossing
      • Double Special Crossing
      • Restrictive Crossing
      • Double Crossing
    • Persons Eligible to do Crossing
    • Consequence of Crossing
    • Opening of Crossing
    • Obliterating a Crossing
    • Liability of the Paying Banker
    • Marking of Cheque
      • Types of Marking
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 20  Endorsement
    • Negotiation
    • Meaning of Endorsement
    • Definition of Endorsement
    • Components of Endorsement
    • Types
      • General or Blank Endorsement
      • In-full or Special Endorsement
      • Converted Full Endorsement
      • Partial Endorsement
      • Restrictive Endorsement
      • Conditional Endorsement
    • Cheques Payable to Fictitious or Impersonal Persons
    • Endorsement by Legal Representative
    • Intentional Cancellation of Endorsement
    • Negotiation Back
    • Effect of Endorsement
      • In the Case of Regular Endorsement
      • In the Case of Lost Instrument
      • In the Case of Stolen Instrument
      • In the Case of Instrument Obtained by Fraud
      • In the Case of Instrument Obtained for Unlawful Consideration
      • In the Case of Forged Instrument
      • In the Case of Forged Dishonored and Overdue Instruments
      • In the Case of Instrument Drawn without Consideration
    • Duration of Endorsement
    • Quality of a Bearer Instrument
    • Rules Regarding Endorsement
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 21  Paying Banker
    • Meaning
    • Banker’s Duty
      • Precautions by a Paying Banker
    • Dishonoring Customer’s Cheque
      • Cheque Bouncing - Consequences
      • Legal Course
      • Bankers Options
      • Proposed Changes
      • Dishonoring Cheques—Remarks
      • Dishonoring Cheques—Inappropriate Remarks
    • Discharge of Paying Banker
    • Payment in a Crossed Cheque
    • Payment of Cheque by Mistake
    • Material Alteration
      • Definition
      • Meaning
      • Examples
      • Non-material Alterations
      • Legal Effect
      • Burden of Proof
      • Protection to the Paying Banker
    • Statutory Protection (Section 85)
      • In Case of Order Cheques
      • In the Case of Bearer Cheques
      • In the Case of Crossed Cheques
    • Refusal of Cheque Payment
      • On Countermanding of Payment
      • On the Death of the Drawer
      • On the Insolvency of the Drawer
      • Insanity of the Customer
      • Notice of Assignment
      • Garnishee Order
      • Breach of Trust
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 22  Collecting Banker
    • Meaning
    • Collecting Banker’s Role
      • As Holder for Value
      • As an Agent
    • Statutory Protection (Section 131)
      • Conditions
    • Collecting Banker’s Duty
      • Duty to Present the Cheque
      • Duty of Due-care and diligence
      • Duty to serve notice of dishonor
      • Legal Position
    • Rbi’s Instructions
      • Immediate Credit for Outstation Cheques
      • Interest for delay
    • Collection of Bills of Exchange
    • Agent for Collection
    • Accurate Accounts
    • Paying Banker vs Collecting Banker
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 23  Customer Grievances, Redressal and Ombudsman
    • Customer Grievances
    • Grievances Redressal
    • Banking Ombudsman
    • Banking Ombudsman Scheme
      • Object of the Scheme
      • Suspension of the Scheme
      • Appointment
      • Territorial Jurisdiction
      • Location of Office
      • Qualification
      • Tenure
      • Remuneration
      • Staffing of the Office
      • Powers and Duties
      • Other Powers and Duties
    • Procedure for Redressal of Grievance
      • Making a Complaint
      • Calling for Information
      • Settlement of Complaint by Agreement
      • Recommendation for Settlement
      • Award by the Banking Ombudsman
      • Rejection of the Complaint
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 24  Banking Regulations Act 1949
    • Preamble
    • Applicability
    • Definitions
      • Banking
      • Banking policy
      • Banking branch
    • Major Provisions
      • Banking Business (Section 6)
      • Board of Management
      • Minimum Paid-up Capital and Reserves
      • Capital and Voting Rights
      • Commission, Brokerage
      • Prohibition of Charge on Unpaid Capital
      • Prohibition of Floating Charge on Assets
      • Payment of Dividend
      • Prohibition of Common Directors
      • Reserve Fund
      • Cash Reserve
      • Subsidiary Companies
      • Loans and Advances
      • Branch Licensing
      • New Place of Business
      • Maintenance of Liquid Assets
      • Assets of the Bank
      • Accounts and Balance Sheet
      • Inspection
      • Directions to Banking Companies
      • Acquisition of Undertaking
      • Winding up of Banking Companies
      • Amalgamation
      • Recent Development
    • Review Questions
  • Model Question Papers
  • Index
Biographical note
DR. S. GURUSAMY is a former Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, School of Commerce and Management, Shiv Nadar University, Chennai. Earlier, he was Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, Madras University. He holds a doctorate in Financial Services. He specializes in the areas of ?nancial management, ?nancial institutions/markets/services, banking and insurance. He has over 35 years of teaching and research experience.


Sixth Edition


Sixth Edition

Dr.. S. Gurusamy

Former Professor and Head
Department of Commerce
University of Madras

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Banking Theory Law and Practice, 6e




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CHAPTER 1Introduction to Banking


History of Banking

History of Indian Banking

Presidency Banks

Private Banks

Reserve Bank of India

The Banking Act

State Bank of India


Role and Functions of Banking System

Components of Indian Banking System

Indian Banking System – Phases of Development

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Banking Structure in India

Modern Banking

Core Banking Solutions (CBS)


Need for Core Banking Solution


Differentiated Banking Structure Payments Banks


Registration, Licensing and Regulations

Eligibility Criteria

Scope of Activities

Deployment of Funds

Capital Requirement

Promoter’s Contribution

Prudential Norms


Small Banks

Local Area Banks (LABs)

Small Banks

Guidelines for Licensing

Registration, Licensing and Regulations


Eligible Promoters

Scope of Activities

Capital Requirement

Promoters’ Contribution

Prudential Norms

Additional Conditions

Payment Bank vs Small Banks

Mudra Bank

Role of Indian Banks’ Association (Iba)

Banking Activities

Sukhamoy Chakravarty Committee

Narasimham Committee I - 1991

Narasimham Committee II 1998

Review Questions

CHAPTER 2Commercial Banking—An Overview

Definition of Banking

Core Definition

Classification of Banks

Commercial Banks

Industrial Banks

Agricultural Banks

Foreign Exchange Banks

Banking System

Branch Banking System

Unit Banking System

Branch Banking vs. Unit Banking

Chain Banking System

Group Banking System

Pure Banking System

Mixed Banking System

Universal Banking




Growth Factors

Indian Scenario

Financial Supermarket


Commercial Banking — Functions

Accepting Deposits

Advancing Loans

Investing Funds

Promoting Banking Habit

Agency Services

General Utility Services

Credit Creation

Realization of Socio-Economic Objectives

Role of Banks in Economic Development

Capital Formation

Financing Industry

Financing Trade

Financing Agriculture

Consumer Financing

Financing Employment

Supporting Monetary Policy

Review Questions

CHAPTER 3Central Banking—An Overview


Need for Central Banking

Control of Credit

Issue of paper currency

Supporting Commercial Banks

Implementation of Monetary Policy

Principles of Central Banking

National Welfare

Monetary Stability

No Political Interference

Cooperation with Central Government

Cooperation with Member-Banks

Central Banking and Commercial Banking—Similarities

Money Dealers

User Reviews