Essentials of Database Management System
Essentials of Database Management System
ISBN 9788182091023
 Publication Date




  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Contents at a Glance
  • Contents
  • 01. Database Management Systems (DBMS)
    • 1.1 Information
    • 1.2 Data and Data Management
    • 1.3 File-based Data Management
      • 1.3.1 Disadvantages of File-based Data Management Systems
        • Need for Programming and Skilled Personnel
        • Lack of Data Security
        • Information Compartmentalization
        • Structural Dependency
        • Data Dependency
        • Data Redundancy
        • Data Inconsistency
    • 1.4 Database Systems
      • 1.4.1 Why a Database?
      • 1.4.2 Comparison between Database and File-processing Systems
      • 1.4.3 Self-describing Nature of a Database System
      • 1.4.4 Data Independence and Data Abstraction
      • 1.4.5 Support of Multiple Views of the Data
      • 1.4.6 Sharing of Data and Multiuser Transaction Processing
    • 1.5 Organization of a Database
    • 1.6 Characteristics of Data in a Database
    • 1.7 Database Management Systems (DBMS)
      • 1.7.1 Benefits of using a DBMS
    • 1.8 Functions of DBMS
      • 1.8.1 Transaction Management
      • 1.8.2 Concurrency Control
      • 1.8.3 Recovery Management
      • 1.8.4 Security Management
      • 1.8.5 Language Interface
      • 1.8.6 Storage Management
      • 1.8.7 Data Catalog Management
    • 1.9 Components of a DBMS
      • 1.9.1 Query Processor
      • 1.9.2 File Manager
      • 1.9.3 DML Preprocessor
      • 1.9.4 DDL compiler
      • 1.9.5 Data Dictionary Manager
      • 1.9.6 Database Manager (DM)
    • 1.10 Data Dictionary
      • 1.10.1 Users of the Data Dictionary
      • 1.10.2 Benefits of Data Dictionaries
      • 1.10.3 Data Dictionary Types
    • 1.11 Database Users
      • 1.11.1 Database Administrator (DBA)
        • Recoverability
        • Integrity
        • Security
        • Availability
        • Performance
        • Development/Testing Support
      • 1.11.2 Database Designers
      • 1.11.3 End Users
      • 1.11.4 System Administrator
      • 1.11.5 Security Officers
      • 1.11.6 Network Administrators
    • 1.12 Summary
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  • 02. Database Architecture and Design
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 Database Architecture
    • 2.3 Data Abstraction
    • 2.4 ANSI/SPARC Architecture
      • 2.4.1 External or Logical Schema
      • 2.4.2 Conceptual Schema
      • 2.4.3 Internal or Physical Schema
      • 2.4.4 Database Users and ANSI/SPARC Architecture
    • 2.5 Physical and Logical Data Independence
    • 2.6 Database Languages
    • 2.7 Database Design
      • 2.7.1 Requirements Analysis
      • 2.7.2 Information Modeling
    • 2.8 Design Constraints
      • 2.8.1 Structural Constraints
      • 2.8.2 Type Constraints
      • 2.8.3 Range Constraints
      • 2.8.4 Relationship Constraints
      • 2.8.5 Temporal Constraints
    • 2.9 Summary
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      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 03. Data Models
    • 3.1 Introduction
    • 3.2 Conceptual, Physical and Logical Database Models
    • 3.3 Database Relationships
    • 3.4 Hierarchical Model
      • 3.4.1 Advantages
      • 3.4.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.5 Network Model
      • 3.5.1 Advantages
      • 3.5.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.6 Relational Model
      • 3.6.1 Advantages
      • 3.6.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.7 E-R Model
      • 3.7.1 Advantages
      • 3.7.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.8 Object-oriented Model
      • 3.8.1 Advantages
      • 3.8.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.9 Object-relational Model
    • 3.10 Deductive/Inference Model
    • 3.11 Summary
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  • 04. Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling
    • 4.1 Introduction
    • 4.2 E-R MODEL
    • 4.3 Components of an E-R Model
      • 4.3.1 Entities
      • 4.3.2 Attributes
        • Simple Attribute
        • Composite Attribute
        • Single-valued Attribute
        • Multi-valued Attribute
        • Derived Attribute
        • Entities and Attributes
      • 4.3.3 Entity Identifiers
      • 4.3.4 Instances of Entities
      • 4.3.5 Attribute Domains
    • 4.4 E-R Diagram Conventions
    • 4.5 Relationships
      • 4.5.1 Degree
      • 4.5.2 Connectivity
      • 4.5.3 Cardinality
      • 4.5.4 Dependency
      • 4.5.5 Participation Constraints
      • 4.5.6 Example
    • 4.6 Composite Entities
    • 4.7 Entity List
    • 4.8 E-R Diagrams (ERDS)
      • 4.8.1 Types of E-R Diagrams
    • 4.9 E-R Modeling Symbols
    • 4.10 Summary
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      • Exercises
  • 05. Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
    • 5.1 Introduction
    • 5.2 Superclass and Subclass Entity Types
    • 5.3 Attribute Inheritance
    • 5.4 Specialization
    • 5.5 Generalization
      • 5.5.1 Specialization/Generalization Constraints
        • Disjoint Constraint
        • Participation Constraint
    • 5.6 Categorization
    • 5.7 Summary
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  • 06. Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
    • 6.1 Introduction
    • 6.2 RDBMS Terminology
    • 6.3 The Relational Data Structure
    • 6.4 Relational Data Manipulation
    • 6.5 Codd’s Rules
      • 6.5.1 Information Rule
      • 6.5.2 Guaranteed Access Rule
      • 6.5.3 Systematic Treatment of Nulls Rule
      • 6.5.4 Active On-line Catalog based on the Relational Model
      • 6.5.5 Comprehensive Data Sub-language Rule
      • 6.5.6 View Updating Rule
      • 6.5.7 High-level Insert, Update and Delete
      • 6.5.8 Physical Data Independence
      • 6.5.9 Logical Data Independence
      • 6.5.10 Integrity Independence
      • 6.5.11 Distribution Independence
      • 6.5.12 Non-subversion Rule
    • 6.6 Summary
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      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 07. Relational Data Integrity and Database Constraints
    • 7.1 Introduction
    • 7.2 Integrity Constraints
      • 7.2.1 Domain Constraints
      • 7.2.2 Entity Integrity
      • 7.2.3 Referential Integrity
      • 7.2.4 Operational Constraints
    • 7.3 Summary
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  • 08. Data Normalization
    • 8.1 Introduction
    • 8.2 Pitfalls in Relational Database Design
    • 8.3 Decomposition
      • 8.3.1 Desirable Properties of Decomposition
      • 8.3.2 Exercise
    • 8.4 Functional Dependencies
      • 8.4.1 Inference Rules for Functional Dependencies
    • 8.5 Normalization
    • 8.6 Keys
    • 8.7 Relationships
    • 8.8 First Normal Form (1NF)
    • 8.9 Second Normal Form (2NF)
    • 8.10 Third Normal Form (3NF)
    • 8.11 Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
      • 8.11.1 Comparison of 3NF and BCNF
    • 8.12 Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
      • 8.12.1 Multi-Valued Dependency (MVD)
    • 8.13 Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
    • 8.14 Lossless Join Dependency
    • 8.15 Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF)
    • 8.16 Denormalization
    • 8.17 Summary
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  • 09. Relational Algebra
    • 9.1 Introduction
    • 9.2 Relational Algebraic Operations
      • 9.2.3 SELECT
      • 9.2.4 PROJECT
      • 9.2.5 ASSIGNMENT
      • 9.2.6 DIVISION
      • 9.2.7 RENAME
      • 9.2.8 JOIN
        • Theta Join
        • Natural Join
        • Outer Join
        • Semijoin
    • 9.3 Aggregate Functions
      • 9.4.1 Deletion
      • 9.4.2 Insertion
      • 9.4.3 Updating
    • 9.5 Exercise
      • 9.5.1 Answers
    • 9.6 Summary
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      • Fill in the Blanks
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  • 10. Relational Calculus
    • 10.1 Introduction
    • 10.2 Tuple Relational Calculus
      • 10.2.1 Expressions and Formulas
      • 10.2.2 Existential and Universal Quantifiers
    • 10.3 Domain Relational Calculus
    • 10.4 Exercises
    • 10.5 Summary
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  • 11. Tables Used in this Book
    • 11.1 Introduction
  • 12. Structured Query Language (SQL)
    • 12.1 Introduction
    • 12.2 Characteristics of SQL
    • 12.3 Advantages of SQL
    • 12.4 Types of SQL Commands
      • 12.4.1 Data Definition Language (DDL)
      • 12.4.2 Data Manipulation Language (DML)
      • 12.4.3 Data Query Language (DQL)
      • 12.4.4 Data Control Language (DCL)
      • 12.4.5 Data Administration Statements (DAS)
      • 12.4.6 Transaction Control Statements (TCS)
    • 12.5 SQL Operators
    • 12.6 Arithmetic Operators
    • 12.7 Comparison Operators
    • 12.8 Logical Operators
    • 12.9 Set Operators
    • 12.10 Operator Precedence
    • 12.11 Summary
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  • 13. Tables, Views and Indexes
    • 13.1 Tables
      • 13.1.1 Creating a Table
      • 13.1.2 Modifying a Table
      • 13.1.3 Deleting a Table
      • 13.2.1 Creating a View
      • 13.2.2 Data Query and Manipulation Operations with Views
      • 13.2.3 The CHECK OPTION
      • 13.2.4 Views Involving Multiple Tables
      • 13.2.5 Updateable and Non-updateable Views
      • 13.2.6 Advantages of Views
      • 13.2.7 Using Views
      • 13.2.8 Dropping a View
    • 13.3 Indexes
      • 13.3.1 Book Index vs. Table Index
      • 13.3.2 Why Use an Index?
      • 13.3.3 Creating an Index
      • 13.3.4 Types of Indexes
        • Composite Indexes
        • Unique Indexes
        • Clustered Indexes
      • 13.3.5 Dropping an Index
      • 13.3.6 Using Indexes
    • 13.4 Summary
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  • 14. Queries and Subqueries
    • 14.1 Queries
      • 14.1.1 Selecting All Columns (SELECT *)
      • 14.1.2 Qualified Retrieval
        • Eliminating Duplicates Using DISTINCT
      • 14.1.3 Select Using IN
      • 14.1.4 Select Using BETWEEN
      • 14.1.5 Select Using LIKE
        • ESCAPE Clause
      • 14.1.6 Selecting Computed Values
      • 14.1.7 Selection Involving NULLs
      • 14.1.8 Grouping While Selecting
      • 14.1.9 Ordering While Selecting
      • 14.1.10 AND, OR and NOT
    • 14.2 Subqueries
      • 14.2.1 What is a Subquery?
      • 14.2.2 Execution of a Subquery
      • 14.2.3 Nested Subqueries
      • 14.2.4 Parallel Subqueries
      • 14.2.5 Correlated Subquery
    • 14.3 Summary
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  • 15. Aggregate Functions
    • 15.1 Introduction
    • 15.2 General Rules
    • 15.3 COUNT( ) and COUNT(*)
    • 15.4 SUM( )
    • 15.5 AVG( )
    • 15.6 MAX( ) and MIN( )
    • 15.7 Summary
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  • 16. Insert, Update and Delete Operations
    • 16.1 Introduction
    • 16.2 INSERT Statement
      • 16.2.1 Single row INSERT
    • 16.3 Bulk Inserts of Data
    • 16.4 UPDATE Statement
    • 16.5 DELETE Statement
    • 16.6 Summary
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  • 17. Joins and Unions
    • 17.1 Joins
      • 17.1.1 Why do we need Joins?
      • 17.1.2 Use of Aliases
      • 17.1.3 Qualities of a Good Join
      • 17.1.4 Theta Joins, Equijoins and Nonequijoins
      • 17.1.5 WHERE Clause
      • 17.1.6 Using SELECT * in Joins
      • 17.1.7 Natural Join
      • 17.1.8 Self-join—Joining a Table with Itself
      • 17.1.9 Joining More than 2 Tables
      • 17.1.10 Cartesian Product
      • 17.1.11 Joins Vs. Subqueries
      • 17.1.12 Outer Joins
    • 17.2 Unions
      • 17.2.1 Duplicate Elimination
      • 17.2.2 Ordering the Results
      • 17.2.3 Order of Evaluation
    • 17.3 Summary
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  • 18. Programming with SQL
    • 18.1 Introduction
      • 18.1.1 Embedded SQL
      • 18.1.2 Application Program Interface
    • 18.2 Query Processing
    • 18.3 Embedded SQL
      • 18.3.1 Embedded SQL Program
      • 18.3.2 Precompilation
      • 18.3.3 DCLGEN Command
      • 18.3.4 Binding
      • 18.3.5 Link-editing
      • 18.3.6 Running the Program
      • 18.3.7 Advantages of Embedded SQL Programs
      • 18.3.8 Automatic Rebinding
      • 18.3.9 Embedded SQL Features
      • 18.3.10 Error Handling
    • 18.4 Cursors
      • 18.4.1 Cursor Operations
    • 18.5 Triggers
    • 18.6 Dynamic SQL
    • 18.7 Summary
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  • 19. Secondary (Auxiliary) Storage Devices
    • 19.1 Introduction
      • 19.1.1 Advantages of Secondary Storage
        • Direct Access Storage
        • Sequential Access Storage
    • 19.2 Magnetic Tape
    • 19.3 Magnetic Disk
      • 19.3.1 Hard Disks
      • 19.3.2 Flexible Disks
    • 19.4 Optical Disk
    • 19.5 Magneto-optical (MO) Drives
    • 19.6 Summary
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  • 20. Files, File Organization and File Structures
    • 20.1 Introduction
    • 20.2 Operations on Files
    • 20.3 File Storage Organization
      • 20.3.1 Sequential File Organization
        • Sequential File Processing
        • Efficiency of Sequential File Organization
        • Advantages and Disadvantages
      • 20.3.2 Direct File Organization
        • Direct File Processing
        • Relative Addressing
        • Hashing
        • Indexing
        • Advantages and Disadvantages
    • 20.4 Physical Storage Media
      • 20.4.1 Cache
      • 20.4.2 Main Memory
      • 20.4.3 Flash Memory
      • 20.4.4 Magnetic Disk, Optical Disk and Magnetic Tape Storage
    • 20.5 Storage Device Hierarchy
    • 20.6 Storage Access
    • 20.7 Buffer Manager
      • 20.7.1 Buffer Replacement Strategy
      • 20.7.2 Pinned Blocks
      • 20.7.3 Forced Output Blocks
    • 20.8 File Organization
      • 20.8.1 File Volatility
      • 20.8.2 File Activity
      • 20.8.3 File Query
      • 20.8.4 File Size
      • 20.8.5 Data Currency
    • 20.9 File Structure
    • 20.10 Record Types
      • 20.10.1 Fixed Length Records
      • 20.10.2 Variable Length Records
        • Records Having Variable Length Fields
        • Records Having Repeating Fields
        • Records Having Optional Fields
        • File Containing Records of Different Record Types
        • Implementation of Variable Length Records
    • 20.11 Summary
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  • 21. Indexing and Hashing
    • 21.1 Introduction
    • 21.2 Indexing
      • 21.2.1 Ordered Indexes
        • Primary Index
        • Secondary Indexes
        • B+-Tree Indexes
        • B-Tree Indexes
    • 21.3 Hashing
      • 21.3.1 Internal Hashing
        • Open Addressing
        • Chaining
        • Multiple Hashing
      • 21.3.2 External Hashing
      • 21.3.3 Dynamic Hashing
        • Extensible Hashing
        • Linear Hashing
    • 21.4 Summary
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  • 22. Database Security
    • 22.1 Introduction
    • 22.2 Database Environment
    • 22.3 Data Security Risks
      • 22.3.1 Data Tampering
      • 22.3.2 Eavesdropping and Data Theft
      • 22.3.3 Falsifying User Identities
      • 22.3.4 Password-related Threats
      • 22.3.5 Unauthorized Access to Tables and Columns
      • 22.3.6 Unauthorized Access to Data Rows
      • 22.3.7 Lack of Accountability
      • 22.3.8 Complex User Management Requirements
    • 22.4 Dimensions of Database Security
    • 22.5 Data Security Requirements
      • 22.5.1 Confidentiality
      • 22.5.2 Integrity
      • 22.5.3 Availability
    • 22.6 Database Users
    • 22.7 Protecting the Data within the Database
      • 22.7.1 Database Privileges
        • System Privileges
        • Object Privileges
      • 22.7.2 Roles
        • Uses for Roles
    • 22.8 Granting and Revoking Privileges and Roles
      • 22.8.1 The GRANT Command
      • 22.8.2 The REVOKE Command
    • 22.9 Data Encryption
    • 22.10 Database Integrity
    • 22.11 System Availability
    • 22.12 Best Security Practices
    • 22.13 Network Security
      • 22.13.1 Protecting Data during Transmission
        • Controlling Access within the Network
        • Encrypting Data for Network Transmission
        • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Protocol
        • Firewalls
    • 22.14 Authenticating Users to the Database
    • 22.15 Security Auditing
    • 22.16 Summary
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  • 23. Transaction Management and Concurrency Control
    • 23.1 Introduction
    • 23.2 Transactions
    • 23.3 Transaction Properties (ACID Properties)
      • 23.3.1 Atomicity
      • 23.3.2 Consistency
      • 23.3.3 Isolation
      • 23.3.4 Durability
    • 23.4 Database Structure
    • 23.5 Transaction States
    • 23.6 Concurrency Control
      • 23.6.1 Multiple Update Problem
      • 23.6.2 Uncommitted Dependency Problem
      • 23.6.3 Incorrect Analysis Problem
    • 23.7 Serializability
      • 23.7.1 View Serializability
    • 23.8 Recoverability
      • 23.8.1 Recoverable Schedules
      • 23.8.2 Noncascading Schedules
      • 23.8.3 Strict Schedules
    • 23.9 Concurrency Control Schemes
      • 23.9.1 Locking
      • 23.9.2 Two-phase Locking
      • 23.9.3 Deadlock
      • 23.9.4 Granularity
      • 23.9.5 Timestamps and Timestamp-based protocols
      • 23.9.6 Optimistic Techniques
    • 23.10 Transaction Management in SQL
    • 23.11 Transactions and Recovery
    • 23.12 User-defined Transactions
    • 23.13 The COMMIT Command
    • 23.14 The ROLLBACK Command
    • 23.15 The SAVEPOINT Command
    • 23.16 Summary
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  • 24. Backup and Recovery
    • 24.1 Introduction
    • 24.2 Database Backups
    • 24.3 Causes of Failures
    • 24.4 Why Plan Backups?
    • 24.5 Hardware Protection and Redundancy
    • 24.6 Transaction Logs
    • 24.7 Importance of Backups
    • 24.8 Database Recovery
    • 24.9 Data Storage
    • 24.10 Data Access
    • 24.11 Recovery and Atomicity
    • 24.12 Recovery Concepts and Terminology
    • 24.13 Recovery Facilities
      • 24.13.1 Backup mechanism
    • 24.14 Logging
      • 24.14.1 Checkpointing
    • 24.15 Recovery Techniques
      • 24.15.1 Deferred Update
      • 24.15.2 Immediate Update
      • 24.15.3 Shadow Paging
    • 24.16 Detached Transaction Actions
    • 24.17 Recovery in Multi-database Systems
      • 24.17.1 Two-phase Commit Protocol
    • 24.18 Database Recovery from Catastrophic Failures
    • 24.19 Summary
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  • 25. Client/Server Databases
    • 25.1 Introduction
    • 25.2 Benefits of Client/Server Computing
      • 25.2.1 Adaptability
      • 25.2.2 Reduced Operating Costs
      • 25.2.3 Platform Independence
      • 25.2.4 Better Return on Computing Investment
      • 25.2.5 Improved Performance
      • 25.2.6 Easier Data Access and Processing
      • 25.2.7 Decentralized Operations
    • 25.3 Costs of Client/Server Computing
      • 25.3.1 New Hardware
      • 25.3.2 New Software
      • 25.3.3 New Networking
      • 25.3.4 New Training
    • 25.4 Application Architectures
      • 25.4.1 Two-tiered Architecture
      • 25.4.2 Three-tiered Architecture
        • Presentation (GUI) or User services
        • Business Services Tier or Business Rules
        • Data Services Tier or Business Data
    • 25.5 Summary
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  • 26. Distributed Databases
    • 26.1 Introduction
    • 26.2 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Distributed Databases
    • 26.3 Distributed Data Storage
    • 26.4 Advantages of Distributed Databases
      • 26.4.1 Local Control of Local Data
      • 26.4.2 Transparency
      • 26.4.3 Improved Reliability and Availability
      • 26.4.4 Performance Improvement
      • 26.4.5 Better Response Times
      • 26.4.6 Modularity
      • 26.4.7 Improved Scalability
      • 26.4.8 Site Autonomy
      • 26.4.9 Ability to Share Data
      • 26.4.10 Direct User Interaction
    • 26.5 Disadvantages of Distributed Databases
      • 26.5.1 Complexity
      • 26.5.2 Cost
      • 26.5.3 Technical Problems of Connecting Dissimilar Machines
      • 26.5.4 Need for Sophisticated Communication Systems
      • 26.5.5 Data Integrity and Security Problems
      • 26.5.6 Lack of Professional Support
    • 26.6 Client/Server Database Architecture
    • 26.7 Two-phase Commit Mechanism
      • 26.7.1 Prepare Phase
      • 26.7.2 Execute Phase
    • 26.8 Functions of Distributed Database Management Systems
    • 26.9 Distributed Systems—An Example
    • 26.10 Summary
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  • 27. Hierarchical and Network Databases
    • 27.1 Introduction
    • 27.2 Hierarchical Databases
    • 27.3 Network Model
    • 27.4 Summary
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  • 28. Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases
    • 28.1 Object-Oriented Databases
      • 28.1.1 The Need for Object-oriented Databases
      • 28.1.2 Characteristics of Object-oriented Databases
      • 28.1.3 When Should You Use an ODBMS?
      • 28.1.4 Comparisons of ODBMS to RDBMS
        • Advantages
        • Disadvantages
    • 28.2 Object-relational Databases
      • 28.2.1 Object-relational Database Management Systems (ORDBMS)
      • 28.2.2 ORDBMS Data Model
      • 28.2.3 ORDBMS Query Language
      • 28.2.4 Object-relational Features
    • 28.3 Comparison between OODBMS and ORDBMS
    • 28.4 Summary
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  • 29. Parallel Processing and Parallel Databases
    • 29.1 Introduction
    • 29.2 Parallel Processing for Integrated Operations
    • 29.3 Parallel Databases
    • 29.4 The Key Elements of Parallel Processing
      • 29.4.1 Speedup
      • 29.4.2 Scale-up
      • 29.4.3 Synchronization
        • Cost of Synchronization
      • 29.4.4 Locking
      • 29.4.5 Messaging
    • 29.5 Benefits of Parallel Processing
      • 29.5.1 Enhanced Throughput—Scale-up
      • 29.5.2 Improved Response Time—Speedup
    • 29.6 Benefits of Parallel Database
    • 29.7 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 30. Temporal, Spatial, Multimedia and Web Databases
    • 30.1 Introduction
    • 30.2 Temporal Databases
      • 30.2.1 Temporal Database Management Systems
      • 30.2.2 Temporal and Conventional Databases
    • 30.3 Spatial Data
      • 30.3.1 Spatial Databases
      • 30.3.2 Spatial Data Model
        • Element
        • Geometry
        • Layer
      • 30.3.3 Spatial Queries
        • Range Query or Proximity Query
        • Nearest Neighbor Query or Adjacency
        • Spatial Joins or Overlays
    • 30.4 Multimedia Databases
      • 30.4.1 Multimedia Sources
        • Image
        • Video
        • Document
        • Audio
    • 30.5 Web Databases
      • 30.5.1 Accessing Databases on the Web
    • 30.6 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
  • 31. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
    • 31.1 Introduction
    • 31.2 Knowledge Discovery
    • 31.3 Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
    • 31.4 Basic Features of KDD
    • 31.5 Advantages of KDD
    • 31.6 Phases of KDD
    • 31.7 KDD Techniques
      • 31.7.1 Probabilistic Approach
      • 31.7.2 Statistical Approach
      • 31.7.3 Classification Approach
      • 31.7.4 Deviation and Trend Analysis
      • 31.7.5 Other Approaches
      • 31.7.6 Hybrid Approach
    • 31.8 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 32. Data Warehouses and Data Marts
    • 32.1 Introduction
      • 32.1.1 Data in the Data Warehouse
      • 32.1.2 Data Warehouse Architecture
        • Summarized Data
        • Current Detail
        • System of Record
        • Integration and Transformation Programs
        • Archives
        • Metadata
      • 32.1.3 Data Warehousing System
      • 32.1.4 Advantages of a Data Warehouse
    • 32.2 Data Marts
      • 32.2.1 Advantages of Data Marts
    • 32.3 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 33. Data Mining and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
    • 33.1 Introduction
      • 33.1.1 What is Data Mining?
      • 33.1.2 Evolution of Data Mining
      • 33.1.3 Data Mining Process
      • 33.1.4 Tasks Solved by Data Mining
      • 33.1.5 Advantages of Data Mining
      • 33.1.6 Automated Prediction of Trends and Behaviors
        • Automated Discovery of Previously Unknown Patterns
        • Databases can be Larger in Both Depth and Breadth
      • 33.1.7 Technologies Used in Data Mining
    • 33.2 On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
      • 33.2.1 Benefits of OLAP
      • 33.2.2 Different Styles of OLAP
    • 33.3 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False Questions
  • Appendix A – Model Question Papers
    • Model Question Paper - I
    • Model Question Paper - II
    • Model Question Paper - III
    • Model Question Paper - IV
    • Model Question Paper - V
    • Model Question Paper - VI
    • Model Question Paper - VII
    • Model Question Paper - VIII
  • Appendix B – Elements of the Graphical User Interface
  • Appendix C – Overview of PL/SQL
  • Appendix D – Introduction to MS-Access
  • Index
Alexis Leon is a Software Consultant, researcher and writer. He has more than 30 years of consulting experiencein the areas of software development, IT, software engineering, internet and WWW, workflow automation, groupware, product design, process improvement, project management, configuration management, quality assurance, productivity improvement, etc. He has written more than 45 books on computing, IT and management. He has worked with companies like Ponds India Ltd and Tata Consultancy Services. He holds a masters degree (M.Tech) in Industrial Engineering. He can be reached through his website at
Mathews Leon is the Executive Director of L & L Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd, company specialising in web design and development, internet/intranet development, software development, multimedia and CBT development, etc. He has written more than 25 books on computing and IT. He hold a bachelor's degree (B.Tech) in Mechanical Engineering. He can be reached through his web site at

Essentials of
Database Management Systems

Essentials of
Database Management Systems

Alexis Leon

Professional Writer and Software Consultant

Mathews Leon

Executive Director

L & L Consultancy

Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited


Published by

Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited

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Essentials of Database Management Systems

ISBN: 978-81-8209-102-3

e-PUB: 978-93-95245-82-1

e-PDF: 978-93-95245-81-4

Copyright © 2023, Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited

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Information contained in this work has been obtained by publishers, from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither publishers nor copyright holders guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and neither publishers nor copyright holders shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. This work is published with the understanding that publishers and copyright holders are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought.

Laser typeset at: Maven Learning, Chennai – 600 091

Irene Tresa Mathews
with love .....


Databases and database management systems are one of the most important subjects for the computer science and information technology students. Probably, the only subject that is more important is Software Engineering. Both Software Engineering and Database Management Systems form what we call the core subjects of the Computer Science and IT courses. These are the two subjects that will help the students in their transition from the classroom to their careers.

The advantage of DBMS (and Software Engineering) is that these topics are generic and will not change. Yes, there will be new developments and new theories but to understand those theories and developments one need a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals.

This book is written with the objective of making you an expert in the essentials of database management systems. Our goal when we started writing this book was to produce a volume that will cover all the required topics to a level that is not overwhelming but enough to satisfy the needs of the target audience.

The book contains 33 chapters and 4 appendices. The last 3 appendices (Elements of the Graphical User Interface, Overview of PL/SQL and Introduction to MS-Access) can be downloaded from the companion web site of the book.

This book is written to facilitate easy and effortless learning of the various database concepts. To achieve the above objectives we have incorporated there important features—conceptual clarity, pedagogical features and web support.

Conceptual Clarity

This book assumes no pervious knowledge of database systems. All concepts are developed from grounds up and integrated in such a manner that will provide the necessary logical flow for the reader. The easy-to-read and easy-to-understand writing style with minimum use of jargon will help the students understand the concepts clearly and easily.

Pedagogical Features

We have included a lot of pedagogical features in this book. These include review questions (short answer questions, descriptive type questions and essay questions), objective type questions (fill in the blanks, true or false and multiple choice questions), exercises, solved examples, etc. The answers to these questions are given at the end of each chapter. The questions are designed to make learning easy and effective. There is also an appendix containing eight model question papers with answers to help you in preparing for the examinations.

Web Support

One of the most important features of this book from the learning and teaching point of view is the companion web site of the book. The companion web site is at The website is designed with the objective of information sharing and offers 3 ways to learn and share your views with others—students, faculty and professionals.

1.The book’s web site ( contains two important sections—articles and resources—in addition to the 3 appendices that were not included in the book due to space constraints. The articles section gives the links to various DBMS related articles written by the authors and other professionals. The articles include detailed explanations of difficult topics that we had to omit due to space constraints. The resources page gives links to the various DBMS resources on the Internet.

2.There is an on-line discussion forum—KnowledgeQuest—which offers the readers (members) an opportunity to clear their doubts, share their opinion and knowledge. The members of this community will include students, faculty members and software professionals. Active participation in the discussions will not only improve your knowledge but also will help you get recognized (something that will look good on your resume!). There will be various contests and awards to members who participate actively and provide valuable service to the community. More information about this can be found at

3.Another unique feature of this site is the FAQ section. This section will contain answers to frequently asked questions. There is a provision for you to ask questions, provide feedback and even answer the questions asked by others. More information about this feature can be found at

We believe that one gains knowledge and wisdom, first by learning the basics and theory, then applying the theory in solving real world problems and finally by sharing the knowledge gained through experience with others. We are sure that this site will benefit the students immensely as they can seek the opinion of people who have years of industry experience and are experts in their fields. We have invested considerable effort in designing, developing and maintaining this site. We implore the database community—students, faculty members, professionals, etc.—to make use of these features and help us in helping you and others. We hope to meet you in the cyberspace…


Essentials of Database Management Systems is the product of a shared vision. We would like to give special thanks to the people who helped to build it. We would like to express our gratitude to our publisher P.K. Madhavan and the editorial team at Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd. Thanks to our parents Leon Alexander and Santhamma Leon for their love and support.

Finally, we would like to thank our readers. We hope you enjoy reading this book and find it useful. We wish all of you all the very best in your careers.

Alexis Leon
Mathews Leon

Contents at a Glance

01. Database Management Systems (DBMS)

02. Database Architecture and Design

03. Data Models

04. Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling

05. Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model

06. Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

07. Relational Data Integrity and Database Constraints

08. Data Normalization

09. Relational Algebra

10. Relational Calculus

11. Tables Used in this Book

12. Structured Query Language (SQL)

13. Tables, Views and Indexes

14. Queries and Subqueries

15. Aggregate Functions

16. Insert, Update and Delete Operations

17. Joins and Unions

18. Programming with SQL

19. Secondary (Auxiliary) Storage Devices

20. Files, File Organization and File Structures

21. Indexing and Hashing

22. Database Security

23. Transaction Management and Concurrency Control

24. Backup and Recovery

25. Client/Server Databases

26. Distributed Databases

27. Hierarchical and Network Databases

28. Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases

29. Parallel Processing and Parallel Databases

30. Temporal, Spatial, Multimedia and Web Databases

31. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)

32. Data Warehouses and Data Marts

33. Data Mining and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)

Appendix A – Model Question Papers

Appendix B – Elements of the Graphical User Interface

Appendix C – Overview of PL/SQL

Appendix D – Introduction to MS-Access


Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Contents at a Glance
  • Contents
  • 01. Database Management Systems (DBMS)
    • 1.1 Information
    • 1.2 Data and Data Management
    • 1.3 File-based Data Management
      • 1.3.1 Disadvantages of File-based Data Management Systems
        • Need for Programming and Skilled Personnel
        • Lack of Data Security
        • Information Compartmentalization
        • Structural Dependency
        • Data Dependency
        • Data Redundancy
        • Data Inconsistency
    • 1.4 Database Systems
      • 1.4.1 Why a Database?
      • 1.4.2 Comparison between Database and File-processing Systems
      • 1.4.3 Self-describing Nature of a Database System
      • 1.4.4 Data Independence and Data Abstraction
      • 1.4.5 Support of Multiple Views of the Data
      • 1.4.6 Sharing of Data and Multiuser Transaction Processing
    • 1.5 Organization of a Database
    • 1.6 Characteristics of Data in a Database
    • 1.7 Database Management Systems (DBMS)
      • 1.7.1 Benefits of using a DBMS
    • 1.8 Functions of DBMS
      • 1.8.1 Transaction Management
      • 1.8.2 Concurrency Control
      • 1.8.3 Recovery Management
      • 1.8.4 Security Management
      • 1.8.5 Language Interface
      • 1.8.6 Storage Management
      • 1.8.7 Data Catalog Management
    • 1.9 Components of a DBMS
      • 1.9.1 Query Processor
      • 1.9.2 File Manager
      • 1.9.3 DML Preprocessor
      • 1.9.4 DDL compiler
      • 1.9.5 Data Dictionary Manager
      • 1.9.6 Database Manager (DM)
    • 1.10 Data Dictionary
      • 1.10.1 Users of the Data Dictionary
      • 1.10.2 Benefits of Data Dictionaries
      • 1.10.3 Data Dictionary Types
    • 1.11 Database Users
      • 1.11.1 Database Administrator (DBA)
        • Recoverability
        • Integrity
        • Security
        • Availability
        • Performance
        • Development/Testing Support
      • 1.11.2 Database Designers
      • 1.11.3 End Users
      • 1.11.4 System Administrator
      • 1.11.5 Security Officers
      • 1.11.6 Network Administrators
    • 1.12 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 02. Database Architecture and Design
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 Database Architecture
    • 2.3 Data Abstraction
    • 2.4 ANSI/SPARC Architecture
      • 2.4.1 External or Logical Schema
      • 2.4.2 Conceptual Schema
      • 2.4.3 Internal or Physical Schema
      • 2.4.4 Database Users and ANSI/SPARC Architecture
    • 2.5 Physical and Logical Data Independence
    • 2.6 Database Languages
    • 2.7 Database Design
      • 2.7.1 Requirements Analysis
      • 2.7.2 Information Modeling
    • 2.8 Design Constraints
      • 2.8.1 Structural Constraints
      • 2.8.2 Type Constraints
      • 2.8.3 Range Constraints
      • 2.8.4 Relationship Constraints
      • 2.8.5 Temporal Constraints
    • 2.9 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 03. Data Models
    • 3.1 Introduction
    • 3.2 Conceptual, Physical and Logical Database Models
    • 3.3 Database Relationships
    • 3.4 Hierarchical Model
      • 3.4.1 Advantages
      • 3.4.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.5 Network Model
      • 3.5.1 Advantages
      • 3.5.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.6 Relational Model
      • 3.6.1 Advantages
      • 3.6.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.7 E-R Model
      • 3.7.1 Advantages
      • 3.7.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.8 Object-oriented Model
      • 3.8.1 Advantages
      • 3.8.2 Disadvantages
    • 3.9 Object-relational Model
    • 3.10 Deductive/Inference Model
    • 3.11 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 04. Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling
    • 4.1 Introduction
    • 4.2 E-R MODEL
    • 4.3 Components of an E-R Model
      • 4.3.1 Entities
      • 4.3.2 Attributes
        • Simple Attribute
        • Composite Attribute
        • Single-valued Attribute
        • Multi-valued Attribute
        • Derived Attribute
        • Entities and Attributes
      • 4.3.3 Entity Identifiers
      • 4.3.4 Instances of Entities
      • 4.3.5 Attribute Domains
    • 4.4 E-R Diagram Conventions
    • 4.5 Relationships
      • 4.5.1 Degree
      • 4.5.2 Connectivity
      • 4.5.3 Cardinality
      • 4.5.4 Dependency
      • 4.5.5 Participation Constraints
      • 4.5.6 Example
    • 4.6 Composite Entities
    • 4.7 Entity List
    • 4.8 E-R Diagrams (ERDS)
      • 4.8.1 Types of E-R Diagrams
    • 4.9 E-R Modeling Symbols
    • 4.10 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
      • Exercises
  • 05. Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
    • 5.1 Introduction
    • 5.2 Superclass and Subclass Entity Types
    • 5.3 Attribute Inheritance
    • 5.4 Specialization
    • 5.5 Generalization
      • 5.5.1 Specialization/Generalization Constraints
        • Disjoint Constraint
        • Participation Constraint
    • 5.6 Categorization
    • 5.7 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 06. Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
    • 6.1 Introduction
    • 6.2 RDBMS Terminology
    • 6.3 The Relational Data Structure
    • 6.4 Relational Data Manipulation
    • 6.5 Codd’s Rules
      • 6.5.1 Information Rule
      • 6.5.2 Guaranteed Access Rule
      • 6.5.3 Systematic Treatment of Nulls Rule
      • 6.5.4 Active On-line Catalog based on the Relational Model
      • 6.5.5 Comprehensive Data Sub-language Rule
      • 6.5.6 View Updating Rule
      • 6.5.7 High-level Insert, Update and Delete
      • 6.5.8 Physical Data Independence
      • 6.5.9 Logical Data Independence
      • 6.5.10 Integrity Independence
      • 6.5.11 Distribution Independence
      • 6.5.12 Non-subversion Rule
    • 6.6 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 07. Relational Data Integrity and Database Constraints
    • 7.1 Introduction
    • 7.2 Integrity Constraints
      • 7.2.1 Domain Constraints
      • 7.2.2 Entity Integrity
      • 7.2.3 Referential Integrity
      • 7.2.4 Operational Constraints
    • 7.3 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 08. Data Normalization
    • 8.1 Introduction
    • 8.2 Pitfalls in Relational Database Design
    • 8.3 Decomposition
      • 8.3.1 Desirable Properties of Decomposition
      • 8.3.2 Exercise
    • 8.4 Functional Dependencies
      • 8.4.1 Inference Rules for Functional Dependencies
    • 8.5 Normalization
    • 8.6 Keys
    • 8.7 Relationships
    • 8.8 First Normal Form (1NF)
    • 8.9 Second Normal Form (2NF)
    • 8.10 Third Normal Form (3NF)
    • 8.11 Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
      • 8.11.1 Comparison of 3NF and BCNF
    • 8.12 Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
      • 8.12.1 Multi-Valued Dependency (MVD)
    • 8.13 Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
    • 8.14 Lossless Join Dependency
    • 8.15 Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF)
    • 8.16 Denormalization
    • 8.17 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
      • Exercises
  • 09. Relational Algebra
    • 9.1 Introduction
    • 9.2 Relational Algebraic Operations
      • 9.2.3 SELECT
      • 9.2.4 PROJECT
      • 9.2.5 ASSIGNMENT
      • 9.2.6 DIVISION
      • 9.2.7 RENAME
      • 9.2.8 JOIN
        • Theta Join
        • Natural Join
        • Outer Join
        • Semijoin
    • 9.3 Aggregate Functions
      • 9.4.1 Deletion
      • 9.4.2 Insertion
      • 9.4.3 Updating
    • 9.5 Exercise
      • 9.5.1 Answers
    • 9.6 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 10. Relational Calculus
    • 10.1 Introduction
    • 10.2 Tuple Relational Calculus
      • 10.2.1 Expressions and Formulas
      • 10.2.2 Existential and Universal Quantifiers
    • 10.3 Domain Relational Calculus
    • 10.4 Exercises
    • 10.5 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 11. Tables Used in this Book
    • 11.1 Introduction
  • 12. Structured Query Language (SQL)
    • 12.1 Introduction
    • 12.2 Characteristics of SQL
    • 12.3 Advantages of SQL
    • 12.4 Types of SQL Commands
      • 12.4.1 Data Definition Language (DDL)
      • 12.4.2 Data Manipulation Language (DML)
      • 12.4.3 Data Query Language (DQL)
      • 12.4.4 Data Control Language (DCL)
      • 12.4.5 Data Administration Statements (DAS)
      • 12.4.6 Transaction Control Statements (TCS)
    • 12.5 SQL Operators
    • 12.6 Arithmetic Operators
    • 12.7 Comparison Operators
    • 12.8 Logical Operators
    • 12.9 Set Operators
    • 12.10 Operator Precedence
    • 12.11 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 13. Tables, Views and Indexes
    • 13.1 Tables
      • 13.1.1 Creating a Table
      • 13.1.2 Modifying a Table
      • 13.1.3 Deleting a Table
      • 13.2.1 Creating a View
      • 13.2.2 Data Query and Manipulation Operations with Views
      • 13.2.3 The CHECK OPTION
      • 13.2.4 Views Involving Multiple Tables
      • 13.2.5 Updateable and Non-updateable Views
      • 13.2.6 Advantages of Views
      • 13.2.7 Using Views
      • 13.2.8 Dropping a View
    • 13.3 Indexes
      • 13.3.1 Book Index vs. Table Index
      • 13.3.2 Why Use an Index?
      • 13.3.3 Creating an Index
      • 13.3.4 Types of Indexes
        • Composite Indexes
        • Unique Indexes
        • Clustered Indexes
      • 13.3.5 Dropping an Index
      • 13.3.6 Using Indexes
    • 13.4 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 14. Queries and Subqueries
    • 14.1 Queries
      • 14.1.1 Selecting All Columns (SELECT *)
      • 14.1.2 Qualified Retrieval
        • Eliminating Duplicates Using DISTINCT
      • 14.1.3 Select Using IN
      • 14.1.4 Select Using BETWEEN
      • 14.1.5 Select Using LIKE
        • ESCAPE Clause
      • 14.1.6 Selecting Computed Values
      • 14.1.7 Selection Involving NULLs
      • 14.1.8 Grouping While Selecting
      • 14.1.9 Ordering While Selecting
      • 14.1.10 AND, OR and NOT
    • 14.2 Subqueries
      • 14.2.1 What is a Subquery?
      • 14.2.2 Execution of a Subquery
      • 14.2.3 Nested Subqueries
      • 14.2.4 Parallel Subqueries
      • 14.2.5 Correlated Subquery
    • 14.3 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 15. Aggregate Functions
    • 15.1 Introduction
    • 15.2 General Rules
    • 15.3 COUNT( ) and COUNT(*)
    • 15.4 SUM( )
    • 15.5 AVG( )
    • 15.6 MAX( ) and MIN( )
    • 15.7 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 16. Insert, Update and Delete Operations
    • 16.1 Introduction
    • 16.2 INSERT Statement
      • 16.2.1 Single row INSERT
    • 16.3 Bulk Inserts of Data
    • 16.4 UPDATE Statement
    • 16.5 DELETE Statement
    • 16.6 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 17. Joins and Unions
    • 17.1 Joins
      • 17.1.1 Why do we need Joins?
      • 17.1.2 Use of Aliases
      • 17.1.3 Qualities of a Good Join
      • 17.1.4 Theta Joins, Equijoins and Nonequijoins
      • 17.1.5 WHERE Clause
      • 17.1.6 Using SELECT * in Joins
      • 17.1.7 Natural Join
      • 17.1.8 Self-join—Joining a Table with Itself
      • 17.1.9 Joining More than 2 Tables
      • 17.1.10 Cartesian Product
      • 17.1.11 Joins Vs. Subqueries
      • 17.1.12 Outer Joins
    • 17.2 Unions
      • 17.2.1 Duplicate Elimination
      • 17.2.2 Ordering the Results
      • 17.2.3 Order of Evaluation
    • 17.3 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 18. Programming with SQL
    • 18.1 Introduction
      • 18.1.1 Embedded SQL
      • 18.1.2 Application Program Interface
    • 18.2 Query Processing
    • 18.3 Embedded SQL
      • 18.3.1 Embedded SQL Program
      • 18.3.2 Precompilation
      • 18.3.3 DCLGEN Command
      • 18.3.4 Binding
      • 18.3.5 Link-editing
      • 18.3.6 Running the Program
      • 18.3.7 Advantages of Embedded SQL Programs
      • 18.3.8 Automatic Rebinding
      • 18.3.9 Embedded SQL Features
      • 18.3.10 Error Handling
    • 18.4 Cursors
      • 18.4.1 Cursor Operations
    • 18.5 Triggers
    • 18.6 Dynamic SQL
    • 18.7 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 19. Secondary (Auxiliary) Storage Devices
    • 19.1 Introduction
      • 19.1.1 Advantages of Secondary Storage
        • Direct Access Storage
        • Sequential Access Storage
    • 19.2 Magnetic Tape
    • 19.3 Magnetic Disk
      • 19.3.1 Hard Disks
      • 19.3.2 Flexible Disks
    • 19.4 Optical Disk
    • 19.5 Magneto-optical (MO) Drives
    • 19.6 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 20. Files, File Organization and File Structures
    • 20.1 Introduction
    • 20.2 Operations on Files
    • 20.3 File Storage Organization
      • 20.3.1 Sequential File Organization
        • Sequential File Processing
        • Efficiency of Sequential File Organization
        • Advantages and Disadvantages
      • 20.3.2 Direct File Organization
        • Direct File Processing
        • Relative Addressing
        • Hashing
        • Indexing
        • Advantages and Disadvantages
    • 20.4 Physical Storage Media
      • 20.4.1 Cache
      • 20.4.2 Main Memory
      • 20.4.3 Flash Memory
      • 20.4.4 Magnetic Disk, Optical Disk and Magnetic Tape Storage
    • 20.5 Storage Device Hierarchy
    • 20.6 Storage Access
    • 20.7 Buffer Manager
      • 20.7.1 Buffer Replacement Strategy
      • 20.7.2 Pinned Blocks
      • 20.7.3 Forced Output Blocks
    • 20.8 File Organization
      • 20.8.1 File Volatility
      • 20.8.2 File Activity
      • 20.8.3 File Query
      • 20.8.4 File Size
      • 20.8.5 Data Currency
    • 20.9 File Structure
    • 20.10 Record Types
      • 20.10.1 Fixed Length Records
      • 20.10.2 Variable Length Records
        • Records Having Variable Length Fields
        • Records Having Repeating Fields
        • Records Having Optional Fields
        • File Containing Records of Different Record Types
        • Implementation of Variable Length Records
    • 20.11 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 21. Indexing and Hashing
    • 21.1 Introduction
    • 21.2 Indexing
      • 21.2.1 Ordered Indexes
        • Primary Index
        • Secondary Indexes
        • B+-Tree Indexes
        • B-Tree Indexes
    • 21.3 Hashing
      • 21.3.1 Internal Hashing
        • Open Addressing
        • Chaining
        • Multiple Hashing
      • 21.3.2 External Hashing
      • 21.3.3 Dynamic Hashing
        • Extensible Hashing
        • Linear Hashing
    • 21.4 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 22. Database Security
    • 22.1 Introduction
    • 22.2 Database Environment
    • 22.3 Data Security Risks
      • 22.3.1 Data Tampering
      • 22.3.2 Eavesdropping and Data Theft
      • 22.3.3 Falsifying User Identities
      • 22.3.4 Password-related Threats
      • 22.3.5 Unauthorized Access to Tables and Columns
      • 22.3.6 Unauthorized Access to Data Rows
      • 22.3.7 Lack of Accountability
      • 22.3.8 Complex User Management Requirements
    • 22.4 Dimensions of Database Security
    • 22.5 Data Security Requirements
      • 22.5.1 Confidentiality
      • 22.5.2 Integrity
      • 22.5.3 Availability
    • 22.6 Database Users
    • 22.7 Protecting the Data within the Database
      • 22.7.1 Database Privileges
        • System Privileges
        • Object Privileges
      • 22.7.2 Roles
        • Uses for Roles
    • 22.8 Granting and Revoking Privileges and Roles
      • 22.8.1 The GRANT Command
      • 22.8.2 The REVOKE Command
    • 22.9 Data Encryption
    • 22.10 Database Integrity
    • 22.11 System Availability
    • 22.12 Best Security Practices
    • 22.13 Network Security
      • 22.13.1 Protecting Data during Transmission
        • Controlling Access within the Network
        • Encrypting Data for Network Transmission
        • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Protocol
        • Firewalls
    • 22.14 Authenticating Users to the Database
    • 22.15 Security Auditing
    • 22.16 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 23. Transaction Management and Concurrency Control
    • 23.1 Introduction
    • 23.2 Transactions
    • 23.3 Transaction Properties (ACID Properties)
      • 23.3.1 Atomicity
      • 23.3.2 Consistency
      • 23.3.3 Isolation
      • 23.3.4 Durability
    • 23.4 Database Structure
    • 23.5 Transaction States
    • 23.6 Concurrency Control
      • 23.6.1 Multiple Update Problem
      • 23.6.2 Uncommitted Dependency Problem
      • 23.6.3 Incorrect Analysis Problem
    • 23.7 Serializability
      • 23.7.1 View Serializability
    • 23.8 Recoverability
      • 23.8.1 Recoverable Schedules
      • 23.8.2 Noncascading Schedules
      • 23.8.3 Strict Schedules
    • 23.9 Concurrency Control Schemes
      • 23.9.1 Locking
      • 23.9.2 Two-phase Locking
      • 23.9.3 Deadlock
      • 23.9.4 Granularity
      • 23.9.5 Timestamps and Timestamp-based protocols
      • 23.9.6 Optimistic Techniques
    • 23.10 Transaction Management in SQL
    • 23.11 Transactions and Recovery
    • 23.12 User-defined Transactions
    • 23.13 The COMMIT Command
    • 23.14 The ROLLBACK Command
    • 23.15 The SAVEPOINT Command
    • 23.16 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 24. Backup and Recovery
    • 24.1 Introduction
    • 24.2 Database Backups
    • 24.3 Causes of Failures
    • 24.4 Why Plan Backups?
    • 24.5 Hardware Protection and Redundancy
    • 24.6 Transaction Logs
    • 24.7 Importance of Backups
    • 24.8 Database Recovery
    • 24.9 Data Storage
    • 24.10 Data Access
    • 24.11 Recovery and Atomicity
    • 24.12 Recovery Concepts and Terminology
    • 24.13 Recovery Facilities
      • 24.13.1 Backup mechanism
    • 24.14 Logging
      • 24.14.1 Checkpointing
    • 24.15 Recovery Techniques
      • 24.15.1 Deferred Update
      • 24.15.2 Immediate Update
      • 24.15.3 Shadow Paging
    • 24.16 Detached Transaction Actions
    • 24.17 Recovery in Multi-database Systems
      • 24.17.1 Two-phase Commit Protocol
    • 24.18 Database Recovery from Catastrophic Failures
    • 24.19 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 25. Client/Server Databases
    • 25.1 Introduction
    • 25.2 Benefits of Client/Server Computing
      • 25.2.1 Adaptability
      • 25.2.2 Reduced Operating Costs
      • 25.2.3 Platform Independence
      • 25.2.4 Better Return on Computing Investment
      • 25.2.5 Improved Performance
      • 25.2.6 Easier Data Access and Processing
      • 25.2.7 Decentralized Operations
    • 25.3 Costs of Client/Server Computing
      • 25.3.1 New Hardware
      • 25.3.2 New Software
      • 25.3.3 New Networking
      • 25.3.4 New Training
    • 25.4 Application Architectures
      • 25.4.1 Two-tiered Architecture
      • 25.4.2 Three-tiered Architecture
        • Presentation (GUI) or User services
        • Business Services Tier or Business Rules
        • Data Services Tier or Business Data
    • 25.5 Summary
    • Review QUestions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 26. Distributed Databases
    • 26.1 Introduction
    • 26.2 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Distributed Databases
    • 26.3 Distributed Data Storage
    • 26.4 Advantages of Distributed Databases
      • 26.4.1 Local Control of Local Data
      • 26.4.2 Transparency
      • 26.4.3 Improved Reliability and Availability
      • 26.4.4 Performance Improvement
      • 26.4.5 Better Response Times
      • 26.4.6 Modularity
      • 26.4.7 Improved Scalability
      • 26.4.8 Site Autonomy
      • 26.4.9 Ability to Share Data
      • 26.4.10 Direct User Interaction
    • 26.5 Disadvantages of Distributed Databases
      • 26.5.1 Complexity
      • 26.5.2 Cost
      • 26.5.3 Technical Problems of Connecting Dissimilar Machines
      • 26.5.4 Need for Sophisticated Communication Systems
      • 26.5.5 Data Integrity and Security Problems
      • 26.5.6 Lack of Professional Support
    • 26.6 Client/Server Database Architecture
    • 26.7 Two-phase Commit Mechanism
      • 26.7.1 Prepare Phase
      • 26.7.2 Execute Phase
    • 26.8 Functions of Distributed Database Management Systems
    • 26.9 Distributed Systems—An Example
    • 26.10 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 27. Hierarchical and Network Databases
    • 27.1 Introduction
    • 27.2 Hierarchical Databases
    • 27.3 Network Model
    • 27.4 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
  • 28. Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases
    • 28.1 Object-Oriented Databases
      • 28.1.1 The Need for Object-oriented Databases
      • 28.1.2 Characteristics of Object-oriented Databases
      • 28.1.3 When Should You Use an ODBMS?
      • 28.1.4 Comparisons of ODBMS to RDBMS
        • Advantages
        • Disadvantages
    • 28.2 Object-relational Databases
      • 28.2.1 Object-relational Database Management Systems (ORDBMS)
      • 28.2.2 ORDBMS Data Model
      • 28.2.3 ORDBMS Query Language
      • 28.2.4 Object-relational Features
    • 28.3 Comparison between OODBMS and ORDBMS
    • 28.4 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
  • 29. Parallel Processing and Parallel Databases
    • 29.1 Introduction
    • 29.2 Parallel Processing for Integrated Operations
    • 29.3 Parallel Databases
    • 29.4 The Key Elements of Parallel Processing
      • 29.4.1 Speedup
      • 29.4.2 Scale-up
      • 29.4.3 Synchronization
        • Cost of Synchronization
      • 29.4.4 Locking
      • 29.4.5 Messaging
    • 29.5 Benefits of Parallel Processing
      • 29.5.1 Enhanced Throughput—Scale-up
      • 29.5.2 Improved Response Time—Speedup
    • 29.6 Benefits of Parallel Database
    • 29.7 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
      • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 30. Temporal, Spatial, Multimedia and Web Databases
    • 30.1 Introduction
    • 30.2 Temporal Databases
      • 30.2.1 Temporal Database Management Systems
      • 30.2.2 Temporal and Conventional Databases
    • 30.3 Spatial Data
      • 30.3.1 Spatial Databases
      • 30.3.2 Spatial Data Model
        • Element
        • Geometry
        • Layer
      • 30.3.3 Spatial Queries
        • Range Query or Proximity Query
        • Nearest Neighbor Query or Adjacency
        • Spatial Joins or Overlays
    • 30.4 Multimedia Databases
      • 30.4.1 Multimedia Sources
        • Image
        • Video
        • Document
        • Audio
    • 30.5 Web Databases
      • 30.5.1 Accessing Databases on the Web
    • 30.6 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
  • 31. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
    • 31.1 Introduction
    • 31.2 Knowledge Discovery
    • 31.3 Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
    • 31.4 Basic Features of KDD
    • 31.5 Advantages of KDD
    • 31.6 Phases of KDD
    • 31.7 KDD Techniques
      • 31.7.1 Probabilistic Approach
      • 31.7.2 Statistical Approach
      • 31.7.3 Classification Approach
      • 31.7.4 Deviation and Trend Analysis
      • 31.7.5 Other Approaches
      • 31.7.6 Hybrid Approach
    • 31.8 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 32. Data Warehouses and Data Marts
    • 32.1 Introduction
      • 32.1.1 Data in the Data Warehouse
      • 32.1.2 Data Warehouse Architecture
        • Summarized Data
        • Current Detail
        • System of Record
        • Integration and Transformation Programs
        • Archives
        • Metadata
      • 32.1.3 Data Warehousing System
      • 32.1.4 Advantages of a Data Warehouse
    • 32.2 Data Marts
      • 32.2.1 Advantages of Data Marts
    • 32.3 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False
  • 33. Data Mining and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
    • 33.1 Introduction
      • 33.1.1 What is Data Mining?
      • 33.1.2 Evolution of Data Mining
      • 33.1.3 Data Mining Process
      • 33.1.4 Tasks Solved by Data Mining
      • 33.1.5 Advantages of Data Mining
      • 33.1.6 Automated Prediction of Trends and Behaviors
        • Automated Discovery of Previously Unknown Patterns
        • Databases can be Larger in Both Depth and Breadth
      • 33.1.7 Technologies Used in Data Mining
    • 33.2 On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
      • 33.2.1 Benefits of OLAP
      • 33.2.2 Different Styles of OLAP
    • 33.3 Summary
    • Review Questions
      • Short Answer Questions
      • Descriptive Type Questions
      • Essay Type Questions
      • Fill in the Blanks
      • True or False Questions
  • Appendix A – Model Question Papers
    • Model Question Paper - I
    • Model Question Paper - II
    • Model Question Paper - III
    • Model Question Paper - IV
    • Model Question Paper - V
    • Model Question Paper - VI
    • Model Question Paper - VII
    • Model Question Paper - VIII
  • Appendix B – Elements of the Graphical User Interface
  • Appendix C – Overview of PL/SQL
  • Appendix D – Introduction to MS-Access
  • Index
Biographical note
Alexis Leon is a Software Consultant, researcher and writer. He has more than 30 years of consulting experiencein the areas of software development, IT, software engineering, internet and WWW, workflow automation, groupware, product design, process improvement, project management, configuration management, quality assurance, productivity improvement, etc. He has written more than 45 books on computing, IT and management. He has worked with companies like Ponds India Ltd and Tata Consultancy Services. He holds a masters degree (M.Tech) in Industrial Engineering. He can be reached through his website at
Mathews Leon is the Executive Director of L & L Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd, company specialising in web design and development, internet/intranet development, software development, multimedia and CBT development, etc. He has written more than 25 books on computing and IT. He hold a bachelor's degree (B.Tech) in Mechanical Engineering. He can be reached through his web site at

Essentials of
Database Management Systems

Essentials of
Database Management Systems

Alexis Leon

Professional Writer and Software Consultant

Mathews Leon

Executive Director

L & L Consultancy

Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited


Published by

Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited

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Essentials of Database Management Systems

ISBN: 978-81-8209-102-3

e-PUB: 978-93-95245-82-1

e-PDF: 978-93-95245-81-4

Copyright © 2023, Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited

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Information contained in this work has been obtained by publishers, from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither publishers nor copyright holders guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and neither publishers nor copyright holders shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. This work is published with the understanding that publishers and copyright holders are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought.

Laser typeset at: Maven Learning, Chennai – 600 091

Irene Tresa Mathews
with love .....


Databases and database management systems are one of the most important subjects for the computer science and information technology students. Probably, the only subject that is more important is Software Engineering. Both Software Engineering and Database Management Systems form what we call the core subjects of the Computer Science and IT courses. These are the two subjects that will help the students in their transition from the classroom to their careers.

The advantage of DBMS (and Software Engineering) is that these topics are generic and will not change. Yes, there will be new developments and new theories but to understand those theories and developments one need a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals.

This book is written with the objective of making you an expert in the essentials of database management systems. Our goal when we started writing this book was to produce a volume that will cover all the required topics to a level that is not overwhelming but enough to satisfy the needs of the target audience.

The book contains 33 chapters and 4 appendices. The last 3 appendices (Elements of the Graphical User Interface, Overview of PL/SQL and Introduction to MS-Access) can be downloaded from the companion web site of the book.

This book is written to facilitate easy and effortless learning of the various database concepts. To achieve the above objectives we have incorporated there important features—conceptual clarity, pedagogical features and web support.

Conceptual Clarity

This book assumes no pervious knowledge of database systems. All concepts are developed from grounds up and integrated in such a manner that will provide the necessary logical flow for the reader. The easy-to-read and easy-to-understand writing style with minimum use of jargon will help the students understand the concepts clearly and easily.

Pedagogical Features

We have included a lot of pedagogical features in this book. These include review questions (short answer questions, descriptive type questions and essay questions), objective type questions (fill in the blanks, true or false and multiple choice questions), exercises, solved examples, etc. The answers to these questions are given at the end of each chapter. The questions are designed to make learning easy and effective. There is also an appendix containing eight model question papers with answers to help you in preparing for the examinations.

Web Support

One of the most important features of this book from the learning and teaching point of view is the companion web site of the book. The companion web site is at The website is designed with the objective of information sharing and offers 3 ways to learn and share your views with others—students, faculty and professionals.

1.The book’s web site ( contains two important sections—articles and resources—in addition to the 3 appendices that were not included in the book due to space constraints. The articles section gives the links to various DBMS related articles written by the authors and other professionals. The articles include detailed explanations of difficult topics that we had to omit due to space constraints. The resources page gives links to the various DBMS resources on the Internet.

2.There is an on-line discussion forum—KnowledgeQuest—which offers the readers (members) an opportunity to clear their doubts, share their opinion and knowledge. The members of this community will include students, faculty members and software professionals. Active participation in the discussions will not only improve your knowledge but also will help you get recognized (something that will look good on your resume!). There will be various contests and awards to members who participate actively and provide valuable service to the community. More information about this can be found at

3.Another unique feature of this site is the FAQ section. This section will contain answers to frequently asked questions. There is a provision for you to ask questions, provide feedback and even answer the questions asked by others. More information about this feature can be found at

We believe that one gains knowledge and wisdom, first by learning the basics and theory, then applying the theory in solving real world problems and finally by sharing the knowledge gained through experience with others. We are sure that this site will benefit the students immensely as they can seek the opinion of people who have years of industry experience and are experts in their fields. We have invested considerable effort in designing, developing and maintaining this site. We implore the database community—students, faculty members, professionals, etc.—to make use of these features and help us in helping you and others. We hope to meet you in the cyberspace…


Essentials of Database Management Systems is the product of a shared vision. We would like to give special thanks to the people who helped to build it. We would like to express our gratitude to our publisher P.K. Madhavan and the editorial team at Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd. Thanks to our parents Leon Alexander and Santhamma Leon for their love and support.

Finally, we would like to thank our readers. We hope you enjoy reading this book and find it useful. We wish all of you all the very best in your careers.

Alexis Leon
Mathews Leon

Contents at a Glance

01. Database Management Systems (DBMS)

02. Database Architecture and Design

03. Data Models

04. Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling

05. Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model

06. Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

07. Relational Data Integrity and Database Constraints

08. Data Normalization

09. Relational Algebra

10. Relational Calculus

11. Tables Used in this Book

12. Structured Query Language (SQL)

13. Tables, Views and Indexes

14. Queries and Subqueries

15. Aggregate Functions

16. Insert, Update and Delete Operations

17. Joins and Unions

18. Programming with SQL

19. Secondary (Auxiliary) Storage Devices

20. Files, File Organization and File Structures

21. Indexing and Hashing

22. Database Security

23. Transaction Management and Concurrency Control

24. Backup and Recovery

25. Client/Server Databases

26. Distributed Databases

27. Hierarchical and Network Databases

28. Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases

29. Parallel Processing and Parallel Databases

30. Temporal, Spatial, Multimedia and Web Databases

31. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)

32. Data Warehouses and Data Marts

33. Data Mining and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)

Appendix A – Model Question Papers

Appendix B – Elements of the Graphical User Interface

Appendix C – Overview of PL/SQL

Appendix D – Introduction to MS-Access


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