Problem Solving Using Python  
Author(s): S. Malathi, A. Chitra
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789395245500




ISBN: 9789395245494   Price: INR 350.00   

This book Problem Solving Using Python is designed to address the requirements of undergraduate students of BCA and B.Sc Computer Science.

Salient Features

•    Clear syntax of basic concepts along with examples
•    Provides real samples with screenshot of programs and output for each topic
•    End of chapter Questions and Answers (2 marks, 5 marks and 10 marks)
•    End of book Model Question Papers and worksheets


This book Problem Solving Using Python is designed to address the requirements of undergraduate students of BCA and B.Sc Computer Science.

Salient Features

•    Clear syntax of basic concepts along with examples
•    Provides real samples with screenshot of programs and output for each topic
•    End of chapter Questions and Answers (2 marks, 5 marks and 10 marks)
•    End of book Model Question Papers and worksheets

Table of contents
  • Cover Page
  • Halftitle Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgement
  • Chapter 1 Introduction: The Essence of Computational Problem Solving
    • 1.1 Computer Algorithms
    • 1.2 Computer Hardware
    • 1.3 Computer Software
    • 1.4 The Process of Computational Problem Solving
    • 1.5 Python Programming Language
    • 1.6 Literals
    • 1.7 Variables and Identifiers
    • 1.8 Operators
      • 1.8.1 Python Arithmetic Operators
      • 1.8.2 Python Assignment Operators
      • 1.8.3 Python Comparison Operators
      • 1.8.4 Python Logical Operators
      • 1.8.5 Python Identity Operator
      • 1.8.7 Python Bitwise Operators
    • 1.9 Expressions
    • 1.10 Data types
      • 1.10.1 Numeric Data Types
      • 1.10.2 Setting the Data Type
      • 1.10.3 Setting the Specific Data Type
    • Question and Answer Section
  • Chapter 2 Control Structures
    • 2.1 Boolean Expressions
    • 2.2 Selection Control
      • 2.2.1 If Statement
      • 2.2.2 Indentation in Python
      • 2.2.3 Multi-Way Selection
    • 2.3 Iterative Control
      • 2.3.1 While Statement
      • 2.3.2 Infinite Loops
      • 2.3.3 Definite vs. Indefinite Loops
    • 2.4 Boolean Flags and Indefinite Loops
    • 2.5 Lists: List Structures
    • 2.6 Lists in Python
    • 2.7 Iterating Over Lists in Python
      • 2.7.1 For loop
    • Question and Answer Section
  • Chapter 3 Functions
    • 3.1 Program Routines
    • 3.2 Defining Functions
      • Value-Returning Functions
      • Non-Value-Returning Functions
    • 3.3 More on Functions
    • 3.4 Calling Value Returning Functions
    • 3.5 Calling Non-Value-Returning
    • 3.6 Functions Parameter Passing
    • 3.7 Keyword Arguments in Python
    • 3.8 Default Arguments in Python
    • 3.9 Variable Scope
    • Question and Answer Section
  • Chapter 4 Objects and their use: Software Objects
    • 4.1 Turtle Graphics
    • 4.2 Turtle Attributes
    • 4.3 Modular Design: Modules
    • 4.4 Top-Down Design
    • 4.5 Python Modules
    • 4.6 Text Files
    • 4.7 Opening a Text Files
    • 4.8 Reading a Text Files
    • 4.9 Writing into a Text File
    • 4.10 String Processing
      • String Literals
      • Empty String
      • Print Function
      • String Concatenation
      • String Length
      • String Methods
    • 4.11 Exception Handling
    • Question and Answer Section
  • Chapter 5 Dictionaries and Sets
    • 5.1 Dictionary Type in Python
      • Dictionary Literals
      • Adding Keys and Replacing Values
    • 5.2 Set Data Type
      • Creating a Set
      • Using add() method
    • 5.3 Object Oriented Programming using Python
      • What Is a Class?
    • 5.4 Encapsulation
    • 5.5 Inheritance
    • 5.6 Polymorphism
    • 5.7 Recursion: Recursive Functions
    • Question and Answer Section
  • Chapter 6 Python Programming Practical’s
    • 6.1 To Convert the Given Temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Vice Versa Depending Upon User’s Choice
    • 6.2 To Calculate Total Marks, Percentage and Grade of a Student
    • 6.3 To Find the Area of Rectangle, Square, Circle and Triangle using Functions
    • 6.4 To Display the First N Terms of Fibonacci Series
    • 6.5 To Find Factorial of the Given Number
    • 6.6 To Count the Number of Even and Odd Numbers from N Numbers
    • 6.7 To Calculate the Number of Upper- and Lower-Case Letters for the String
    • 6.8 To Check the Give String Palindrome or Not
    • 6.9 To Find Sum of the Entire Items in a Dictionary
    • 6.10 To Construct the Pattern, using a Nested Loop
    • 6.11 Simple Analysis Listing
  • Reference
  • Python Keywords
  • Python Glossary
  • Python Syntax
  • Test Yourself
    • MCQ Answers
  • Question Bank
    • Sample Two Mark Questions
    • Sample Five Mark Questions
    • Sample Ten Mark Questions
    • Try Yourself
  • Model Question Paper 1
  • Model Question paper 2
  • Worksheet
  • University Question Papers
  • Index
Biographical note
Dr. S. Malathi is serving in the Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas College of Arts and Science, Chennai.
Mrs. A. Chitra is working in the Department of Computer Applications, DRBCCC Hindu College, Pattabiram, Chennai.
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