Value Education  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394524019




ISBN: 9788182091764   Price: INR 195.00   

Values are essential for positive human behaviour. Education from time immemorial has focused on values. Values form the core of educational goals and objectives. Values Education is integral to education of any kind and has been focused upon in many educational committee reports in India.


Values are essential for positive human behaviour. Education from time immemorial has focused on values. Values form the core of educational goals and objectives. Values Education is integral to education of any kind and has been focused upon in many educational committee reports in India.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • About the Author
  • Syllabus: University of Madras
  • Syllabus: Thiruvalluvar University
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Unit 1 Introduction to Values
    • 1.1 What are Values?
    • 1.2 Definition of Values
    • 1.3 Universal Values
    • 1.4 How are Values Acquired?
    • 1.5 Value System
    • 1.6 Types of Values
    • 1.7 Indian Values
    • Review Questions
  • Unit 2 Value Education - Purpose & Significance
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 Meaning of Value Education
    • 2.3 Components of Value Education
    • 2.4 Process of Value Education
    • 2.5 Stages of Development and Values
    • 2.6 Role of the Educators
    • 2.7 Core Value Concerns
    • 2.8 Aims/Purposes and Significance of Values in the Present World
    • 2.9 Role Model of Values
    • 2.10 The Role of Culture and Civilization
    • 2.11 Holistic Living
    • 2.12 Distinctions Between Value Education and Moral Education
    • Review Questions
  • Unit 3 Values for Life
    • 3.1 Honesty and Integrity
    • 3.2 Sharing, Compassion, Empathy
    • 3.3 Commitment and Responsibility
    • 3.4 Discipline and Punctuality
    • 3.5 Respect and Courtesy
    • 3.6 Dedication and Sacrifice
    • 3.7 Love and Affection
    • 3.8 Attitude
    • Review Questions
  • Unit 4 Essential Skills for Effective Living
    • 4.1 Time Management
    • 4.2 Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills
    • 4.3 Team Work
    • 4.4 Self-assessment and Introspection
    • 4.5 Collaboration
    • 4.6 Inter Personal Relationship
    • 4.7 Creative Thinking
    • Review Questions
  • Unit 5 National Values
    • 5.1 Land of Diversity
    • 5.2 Discourse of Religion
    • 5.3 Constitutional or National Values
    • 5.4 Democracy
    • 5.5 Socialism
    • 5.6 Secularism
    • 5.7 Celebrating the Nation
    • 5.8 National Integration and International Understanding
    • 5.9 International Understanding
    • Review Questions
  • Unit 6 Human Rights
    • 6.1 International Initiative on Human Rights
    • 6.2 Values
    • 6.3 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
    • 6.4 Major Human Rights
    • 6.5 Perspective of Rights and Duties
    • 6.6 Rights
    • 6.7 Dr. A P J Kalam’s Ten Points for Englightened   Citizenship
    • 6.8 The Role of Media in Value Building
    • Review Questions
  • Unit 7 Environmental Values
    • 7.1 Environmental Studies
    • 7.2 Concept of an Ecosystem
    • 7.3 Environmental Pollution
    • 7.4 Types of Environmental Pollution
    • Review Questions
  • Unit 8 Social Evils
    • 8.1 Poverty
    • 8.2 Caste/Untouchability/Caste Discrimination
    • 8.3 Corruption
    • 8.4 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
    • 8.5 Status of Women
    • 8.6 Dowry
    • 8.7 Child Labor and Child Exploitation
    • 8.8 Breakdown of Family Values and Decline of Community
    • 8.9 Religious Intolerance
    • 8.10 Major Crimes
    • 8.11 Terrorism
    • 8.12 Cyber Crimes
    • 8.13 Hacking
    • 8.14 Child Pornography
    • 8.15 Cyber Stalking
    • Review Questions
  • Index
Biographical note

R Baskaran is presently working as an Assistant Professor in RKM Vivekananda College, Mylapore, Chennai. He had previously been serving in various Corporate Sectors including Banking Sector, working in American Express Bank’s Foreign Exchange Division and Standard Chartered Bank’s Retail Banking, for nearly 21 years.

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